Can CBD Replace Your Daily Cup Of Coffee?

For many, facing the day without their morning cup of Joe would be unbearable, but there could be other options to help you get a kickstart to your morning.

CBD can be easily added to your coffee to turn it into the perfect morning beverage that leaves you energized without the ill-effects coffee sometimes has alone. Many of our users report CBD providing some of the same benefits as caffeine- including increased focus and energy! Learning how CBD and caffeine work in the body may help give insight on a new way to stay focused and alert.  

Caffeine: The Drug Of Choice For Millions

Caffeine is a stimulant, probably the most popularly consumed stimulant in the world. It’s found in a variety of sources consumed by adults and kids alike. Coffee, tea, chocolate, soda pop, and more contain caffeine. While it can make you feel more awake and alert, over-consumption can come with a variety of side effects. Tremors, indigestion, and insomnia can all make life more difficult for heavy caffeine users, but using CBD and caffeine together may have a role in mitigating those effects or CBD alone can offer an alternative to caffeine entirely. [1]

Using Both CBD And Caffeine

If you don’t want to give up your morning brew, that’s all right. No one is making you. We’re just saying that CBD might make it a little better. CBD can naturally help promote a calmer, more relaxed demeanor. This can be perfect for those who like the alertness, but not the shakes, irritability, or jumpiness that sometimes comes with a morning latte. Like mentioned before, many of our users report improved focus and a more positive mood. The lack of stress alone can be just the ticket to a better night’s sleep and an easier time getting going in the morning. [2]

Using CBD Instead Of Caffeine

IIf you want to forego the coffee altogether, CBD could be a good alternative. By using CBD to support an overall healthier lifestyle, you may not need your cup of Joe. Sound too good to be true? Let’s start with a revolutionary concept: humans weren’t intended to schlep themselves out of bed, still exhausted and aching from the day before, to stumble blindly to work half-awake. Crazy, right?

When used as wellness support for better nutrition, activity, and sleeping habits, CBD can help you kick the crutch of caffeine to the curb. [2,3,4]


There are a lot of factors that go into our body’s “simple” act of digesting food. A nervous or excited emotional state, too much acid, or too many diuretics can make proper digestion difficult, leading to a range of ailments like constipation, diarrhea, and gastric reflux. Caffeine is also known to produce these side-effects in some people.

CBD may help promote a calmer mental state and better digestive system regulation. One result can be a more efficient digestive system that gets more nutrients from the foods you eat. [5,6]


CBD can aid in focus during strenuous activity and help your body recover better after a hard workout. Users report they can work out harder and more often, keeping them on a fitness schedule that not only helps them be stronger and healthier, but more energized in every aspect of their lives. [3,4]


Heavy users of coffee can find themselves lying awake at night from the stimulant effects of caffeine. Many people suffering from insomnia for a variety of reasons choose CBD to help calm their minds, relax their bodies, and help them drift off to sleep. When taken regularly, this can help create a regular sleep and waking schedule as your body finds a circadian rhythm. [2]

The sum of these benefits is a healthier, more rested you that feels more alert naturally when waking up in the morning.

Within a short amount of time, people have reported:

This is my first experience. It helps me stay focused during the day, sleep much better and helps my joint pain.

- Kristen

This product is great. It has a lovely scent and helped with the pain in my neck and shoulders. Will buy again.

- Alayna

A few drops and I have the best sleep.

- Andrew

I’ve been having high anxiety for months. I feel much more relaxed when I take my Upness!

Thanks for giving me some relief!

- Wendy

Join them & see how the wellness benefits of CBD can help you.


Broad Spectrum Hemp Extract (with Cannabidiol)* · Coconut Oil/ MCT Oil · Beeswax · Natural Flavoring · Sweet Vanilla Extract · Lavender Essential Oil · Mango Extract · Rosemary Extract

*No detectable THC (0.3% or less)

Address: 19867 Prairie Street 300 Chatsworth, California 91311
Phone: 818-275-0095


Broad Spectrum Hemp Extract (with Cannabidiol)*
Coconut Oil/ MCT Oil
Natural Flavoring
Sweet Vanilla Extract
Lavender Essential Oil
Mango Extract
Rosemary Extract

*No detectable THC (0.3% or less)